Self-Harm Explained

What is Self-Harm All about Anyway?


I've decided to start with self-harm because not only is it the most well-known now addiction out there, it is also the most stereotyped. Tell me; how is it possible that the most notorious of today’s addictions is also the most misunderstood?
I'll tell you why. It's because the people who aren’t cutting are the ones making the assumptions about those who do. They think they know why they do it. Of course, the people surrounding a cutter; family, friends, and professionals, come up with their own theories and that's where all the misinformation comes from.
But what if I told you that victims do it for various reasons, reasons as varied as they are? Pay attention now, you parents going nuts because your kid is cutting, you therapists who think you know what’s going on, you friends who are sick with worry that your best bud’s cutting is a gateway to suicide, because I'm about to go over the main reasons why anyone would willingly hurt themselves.
Keep in mind, any one reason or combination will not define a single self-harmer because we’re all so different.
The most stereotypical belief as to why someone might self-harm is that they are Seeking Attention.
Yes, if people are hurting themselves, something is wrong. Think about it this way; if they really felt loved and cared for, would they resort to cutting in the first place? It doesn't matter if that person has tons of friends and lives a glamorous life. They may still be feeling lonely and sad. Through cutting they can express their pain in a visible way so that others might see the scars and reach out to help them.
Attention seekers aren't looking for pity as much as they just want someone to care. While it may seem like they are social butterflies, how do you know that those acquaintances buzzing around them like honeybees are people who really care about them? Many so-called friends will use others to just climb up the popularity ladder.
If you think attention seeking is a disgusting practice, then how much more disgusting is the fact that these victims are feeling so left out that they crave being noticed in the first place. Where are the people who genuinely care about others? They seem to be in pitifully short supply in the world.
The fact that there are people cutting for attention is proof of that, and they do need help, because there is definitely something dangerously wrong.
The next reason someone would harm themselves is that they need to Feel Something.
Cutting can take the emotional pain away. You see, when you harm yourself, especially if you cut or otherwise make a wound on your body, you release endorphins—powerful natural narcotics. When stimulating the brain, the rush can replace depression with at least a temporary euphoria, though clearly not true, lasting happiness.
Some self-harmers are so numb that they need this rush to feel SOMETHING just so they can keep going. They grow addicted to this tactic and need to do it over and over and over again to avoid sinking into the abyss of emotional emptiness.
This need factored into my self-harm profile and explains why it took such a long time for me to quit cutting. Once you give it up, you start drifting back into the dark sinkhole of deep depression—that terrible place where you just can’t feel anything.
And what makes it worse, once you've successfully cut yourself enough times, your brain will see cutting as the solution to your depression. So, even when you quit cutting, the urge will always be with you as long as you still get depressed and feel empty.
Cutting is a powerful ADDICTION involving potent brain narcotics which explains why it is so VERY difficult to stop.
Another related reason for cutting can be because a victim Feels Too Much.
For those who struggle with Anxiety Disorder, the person feels so much emotion, so much dread and nervousness that they desperately need something to calm down. They are unable to turn off the disruptive agitation in their brain when reacting to something stressful or worrisome. They might resort to cutting in order to release those endorphins again, which in turn will calm them down and sedate the effect of the stressors.
Yet another cause of self-harm is that cutting serves as a form of Masochistic Punishment.
Now, can you guess what the main reason was for my cutting? So often I thought I’d failed or did something horribly wrong, or found myself groveling in self-loathing and therefore felt horrible about myself. I would cut as a way to punish myself for the wrongdoing.
I welcomed the pain as a form of just retribution. I wanted and sometimes still do want to hurt myself when I’ve slipped into a I-hate-myself funk. Hate is a powerful emotion and it can make you do awful things that don't even make sense. It’s so hard to stop cutting because hatred is an emotion that can flare up like a Fourth of July fireworks finale, taking over your mind and making you act without thinking.
Another reason for cutting is because the person is Suicidal.
Keep in mind that these people may feel so terrible that they think they want to die, yet there’s a part of them that’s unsure, so they don’t go through with it. Another motivation, they don't want to inflict such awful, irreversible pain on their families. They harm themselves instead, to feel alive enough to avoid suicide and keep going. From what I know, most self-harmers actually aren't suicidal, but there will always be that one person who is. So, if you know a cutter, suicide need not be your worst fear.   
The next reason for self-harm is to take Control of Your Own Pain.
By cutting you are in charge of when and where you feel pain. Whereas you can’t control your emotional pain, you are able to control your physical pain. Some self-harmers will cut whenever they feel emotional distress—the pain triggering that calming endorphin release and in short order everything is once again, at least temporarily, right in their world.
Next, cutting can be triggered during Psychotic Breaks, a reason not often thought of.
Now, before you get offended by the term, it simply means that the person begins cutting when they are literally not in their RIGHT MIND enough to choose to do anything else. I’ll admit that self-harmers (and I’m one) have something a bit off in the first place, but I mean...these people really are not psychologically stable.
They don't even realize what they’re doing, and likely won’t remember how they came to harm themselves when they come out of it and see the blood and scars. It’s not that it's difficult for them to stop, it's that they absolutely cannot stop. So yeah...I have to tip my hat to them because I'd probably end up in the loony bin if I had just suddenly harmed myself and snapped back to reality without a clue as to what I just did or why.
The final reason is that some people feel the need to cut in order to achieve a type of Social Status.
They want desperately to fit in or attain a certain kind of cool and actually find the scars fashionable and for that reason they want their friends to find out what they’re doing. NEWS FLASH, cutting is not the best way to bury the dial on the I’m Rad meter.
What you’ve actually accomplished instead is to damage your body and more importantly, your body image. Remember, the scars are permanent, like tattoos. Are you harming yourself just because some of your friends are doing it? Cutting is just too dangerous to engage in as a passing fad.
Trust me when I say you WILL REGRET what you’re doing years from now when you look down and see the scars, especially if you began cutting just to score social status points.    
I'm sorry if it hurts to hear this, but it's the cold, hard truth. I'm sick of people cutting just because they think it's cool, when there are those of us out there actually struggling with self-harm as a terrible addiction.
So, armed with the main reasons why people harm themselves, there is still NO EXCUSE for cutting. If someone is caught in the addictive vice of cutting, they should seek help immediately. Because, and again I need you to trust me, the more you let it go, the worse it gets. It’s like a cavity, it just hurts a little at first, but you let it go, the decay gets worse, and the next thing you know you’re enduring one hell of an ache with an abscessed tooth. If you go to the dentist now, it will be too late to save the tooth. So please, get help for your cutting as soon as you possibly can.

I’m speaking now to the family members and friends who want to help someone who Self-Harms.

The first thing you should do is get them professional help. You’re dealing with a person in the grip of a powerful addiction and therapists are trained to handle such cases. One major fact to get past is that you will never be able to understand the urge to cut if you haven’t experienced it.
You can study all about the illness, you can genuinely care about the person and want to help, but you’ll never know just how powerful the urge is—that pull of addiction you can’t say no to. I’ve never met a civilian yet who gets why we CAN’T JUST STOP. 
They’ve never felt the impulse to take a blade and put it to their skin, or to pull your own hair out, or to punch yourself, or to bang your head against something, or to break your own arm. They can never understand what drives us because they could never imagine that there’s a potent reward at the end of the self-harm tunnel of self-inflicted pain.
And that's okay. That's a really good thing. You SHOULDN'T know what it's like to feel that urge—nobody should. Though you’ll never understand, look at it as a positive. You need to know this because often people who don't self-harm feel offended when victims claim nobody understands them. They respond with, "What's to understand?" and get all hostile. So, don't get mad, just come to terms with it, and support the person who self-harms the best way you can.
I’m going to explain how to do just that, support them, and to begin here is what NOT to say to someone you find out is harming themselves.
When victims hear their friends or loved ones say certain things, it causes them to push away and makes them feel alienated. After that, they will not trust you enough to go to you when they need help and it might actually make them cut even more.
Most important of all, Don’t Judge or Accuse.
Cutting isn't something that you can blame on anything or anyone. It's something victims engage in as a last resort when they’re suffering from extreme emotional distress. So, don’t cast blame on others, and don’t blame yourself. You may be one of a variety of reasons, but it’s not just you. It will never be your fault if someone you love is harming themselves. Assuming the blame will never solve anything.
Now, here are some things you NEVER say to a self-harmer because not only won’t it help, it will push them away. I will prove my point by replying to these statements as if someone said them to me and I'm pretty sure most self-harmers would react similarly.  
"Cutting is stupid and you're stupid for doing it."
“Well, that's your opinion, now isn’t it. Thanks for your input though, not that it changes anything, or helps in any way.”

"You just want attention!"
 “Yeah, and that's TOTALLY why I hide it! If you seriously have nothing more to say to me, then what's the point of coming you? I might as well not tell you anything then if that's all you're going to give me.”      *walks away*

“Wow...I'm just gonna go now...”
*leaves without a second glance*

"This is really bad and you need to stop right now!"
“Yeah...isn't that obvious? But how do I stop? Wouldn’t that be the better question to ask me?”

"How could you be so selfish as to hurt yourself! How could you do this to me?!"
“What are you saying? I'm not doing this to YOU. This has nothing to do with you. I didn't mean to hurt you and I don't know why you waste your time lecturing me for something that I'm doing to myself, not anybody else.”

"If you don't stop, I'm going to send you to a psych ward!"
“Okay...I promise I'll stop.”
*proceeds to secretly hide their cutting for fear of being locked away like some loon.*

"Show me your scars, NOW!"
“Why do you need to see my scars?! You don't need to see them and I don't want to show you. Please don't make me show you! EEP!”
*freaks out*

"If you keep cutting, then I'm going to hurt myself too!"
“Why? I never would want you to do that! I don't want to be the reason for you hurting yourself! I don't want you go through the same struggle as I do! Please don't! Cutting yourself isn't going to take away my pain. It would only make me more guilty and eventually make me want to do it more.”

"You're crazy! I'm going to tell everyone you're a crazy bitch if you don't stop!"
“You might as well tell the whole world then. By the way, I hate your guts and you can go fuck off.”

So yeah...don't say any of that!

Also, if you know someone’s cutting, NEVER tell anyone who is not an adult what they’re doing. Cutting is confidential and a matter of personal privacy. You can and should, however, inform their parents and or other professionals who might be able to help. Nobody else should know except for the people the self-harmer told themselves.
If you’ve told on a cutter just to get back at them, let me just say that you are a despicable human being who has no idea the damage that kind of disclosure can do. I can only hope that one day karma will bite you in the ass and one of your deep, dark secrets will be exposed for the world to see. After you’ve suffered the same pain, humiliation, and ridicule, perhaps THEN you’ll understand how horrible what you did was.
I know how bad this can be because someone I met online did this to her friend who suffered from a cutting addiction. I found her to be the most spiteful and petty person I’d even encountered. I can only imagine what the friend went through once her secret was out.
I’ve managed to keep my self-harm a secret, but for other reasons I’ve been teased, laughed at, and ignored. It always hurts. How much worse if I’d been outed for cutting—it’s nothing to laugh at and it’s not right.
Shredding someone’s life for your selfish desires or revenge is completely unacceptable, no matter who they are or what they may have done to you.
If what I’ve said hurts or makes you angry, I don’t care—I stand by it.
Instead of hurting them, here’s what you should do.
Once they’ve agreed to get professional help, sit down and talk. Be caring, withhold any judgment, and try to understand what they’re going through by LISTENING to every word. Now, this is the kind of karma you want—some day when you’re in a jam, they’ll do the same for you.
The most important benefit of this first simple step is that it will improve your relationship. Growing closer might possibly be the key factor leading to their being able to control their cutting or other acts of self-harm. At this critical stage you need to offer this person unconditional love.
That’s not to say that you have to give them permission to continue cutting. No, you can let them know you WANT them to stop, but don’t go insisting they HAVE to stop. Believe me, they want to stop as much as you want them to, but if they’re pressured at the wrong time, in the wrong way, they’ll feel threatened, distance themselves, and you’ll lose that all-important communications link.
While they’re deep in a cutting addiction, they can’t imagine not having it to rely on to manage their emotional pain. Instead of demanding they stop, encourage them in a positive way. Let them know much it hurts you to know they’re harming themselves. Suggest alternatives engaging enough to challenge the urge to cut such as athletic exercise, hobbies, or artistic activities like writing or painting.
Keep in mind that while you can help them get to a place where they want to stop, only they can decide to stop. You can't save them, nor can anyone else. If you try to force the issue, you’ll push them away.
Only kindness, kinship, and the caring comfort of a relationship based on unconditional love will give them the willpower to stop.

Getting involved to this extent is going to be too much for some of you. If you can’t face the victim in the right way, get them professional help and leave it at that. You shouldn’t participate in their recovery unless you want to. But that means you can’t criticize or judge either.
Bottom line; if you regularly hurt yourself, PLEASE get help and at least try to stop.
If you know someone who practices self-harm, get them help and support them to the best of your ability.
Self-destructive behaviors, like cutting, will continue until we all start caring more.


Chapter 2 Outline


Who Makes the Assumptions
Everyone But the Afflicted


Seeking Attention
Need to Feel Something
Feeling Too Much
Masochistic Punishment
To Avoid Suicide
To Control their Pain
During a Psychotic Break
To Gain Social Status

·       HOW TO HELP

Engage a Professional
Understand they Just Can’t Stop
Don’t Judge or Accuse


Cutting is Stupid
You Just Want Attention
You Need to Stop Right Now
How Can you Be So Selfish
How Can you Do This to Me
Stop, or you’re Going to a Psych Ward
Show Me Your Scars
Keep it up and I’ll Hurt Myself Too
You’re Crazy


Cutting is Confidential
Parents & Professionals Should Know
Never Out Someone on Social Media


Talk, Listen, and Share Without Judging
Let them Know it Hurts You Too

You Can’t Save Them—Only They Can


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