
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. 
Depression is when a person feels in emotional pain or distress for an insurmountable amount of time for an unexplained reason, or for no apparent reason at all. It's not like regular sadness, which fades as it passes. Depression can last for a few months, to a few years, to over a decade! In rare cases, it can even take over a person for their whole life! 
Causes of depression include traumatic life events, biological differences, chemical imbalances, hormone changes or inherited traits. When a traumatic event happens, especially after a loss of a loved one, a person may enter a state of depression usually for a few months to a year. As for biological differences, a person may have a large brain, which may mean they might have long-lasting or long term depression since its a brain abnormality. While chemical imbalances are when there is not enough chemicals in the brain to even out or control emotions. With that, depression is formed. As for hormone changes, as adolescents grow and mature, their hormones grow higher and hence will cause more emotional up-rest than it would in an average adult. This could also lead to depression.  Finally, for inherited traits, people who have family members, relatives or ancestors with a history of depression may also be more prone to it as well. 
Along with the numerous causes of depression, there are also quite a few types of depression. 
The first one, which is also the most common, is Major Depression or Clinical Depression. This depression can get so bad that it can become crippling for the sufferer. It can stop you from functioning normally, and it can disable you from doing every day activities that you used to enjoy. An episode of this depression can last once in a person's life,or it can reoccur later on. Symptoms of this illness is a long-lasting depressed mood or loss of interest in activities. This feeling must last for the majority of the day or nearly daily for two weeks, and it cannot be caused by any substance abuse or addiction. 
Another type of depression that is not as well-known is Chronic Depression or Dysthymia. This disease is charactorized as a long-term depressed feeling for about two years or more. The symtoms are similiar to Major Depression, except it is not as severe and it does not disable a person from living their life. People with this illness might experiance bouts of Major Depression  throughout their lifetime. 
Atypical Depression is a type that many people don't know about. Atypical depression is marked as persuasive sadness.  Symptoms of this disease is a gain or loss in appetite,  over-sleeping or difficulty falling asleep, fatigue, sensitivity to rejection and moods that worsen or improve due to a direct response to an event. 
Then there is Melancholic Depression. It is a state of "melancholia". With this depression, life seems to be meaningless or without purpose. This depression is also very treatment resistant, in which the patient dosn't respond well to two or more anti-depressants. This illness can even change a person's entire personality or outlook on life. Symptoms of this disease include a lack of energy, struggling to face mundane tasks, physical or cognitive slowness, poor concentration, changes in appetite,  and hypersomnia. 
In addiction to the various types of depression, there are also many treatments that can be used to diminish or rid of its symptoms and effects. 
One popular treatment is talk-therapy, in which a patient and psychologist or therapist talk to alleviate problems or issues that might be progressing or causing the depression. 
Another is taking anti-depressants, which suppress the effects of this illness. Be sure to consult a psychiatrist first and have him or her prescribe you some before taking them. 
Hospitalization is a treatment that is used under emergency circumstances if someone is in danger to themselves either because of suicide, or self harm, purposes. It's to ensure the safety of the patient and is relatively short. The patient is kept there until they are deemed no longer a danger to themselves. 
Ectoconvulsive therapy is a last resort for depression and is only used when a patient is nonresponsive to anti-depressants or other medication, or if they have severe, chronic symptoms to depression. Basically, it's a shock therapy. It is a type of therapy that is questioned by experts and there is a risk of memory loss. 
Repetive transcranial Magnetic Stimulation generates magnetic feild impulsives into an MRI scan. A high frequency of magnetic impulses are passed through the skull and into a part of the brain to relieve or reduce depressive symtoms. It is said that this treatment isn't painful,but may cause muscle contractions and possibly induce seizures. 
Self-help is another form of  treatment, in which people can get therapy through online support groups, rather than going to a professional.  There they can find people who understand and will support them in their recovery. The majority of these online groups are free and at no charge at all! 
If you suffer from depression, please look into these treatments and decide which is the best for you!  
If you are not a sufferer but know someone who is, please take heed in my words. Do not put the blame on them for their depression. Do not think that they can just "wake up"or "snap out of it". This is a serious mental illness that is caused by the human body. It is nobody's fault. And it isn't something that can just fade away. In order to help someone who struggles with this illness, you need to not judge, be understanding and listen. Talk to them about their depression and encourage them to get help. Discuss ways that they are comfortable with getting help. Don't ever force someone to acquire help, because often times, that will make their condition worse and will probably push them away. 
Either way, it's important to get a person with depression the help that they need. Depression can often lead to other medical conditions, addictions,  self harm, or even suicide. That's why it's important to treat depression so these other self-injurious activities can be prevented! 
Here is a FREE support group you can go to called Psych Central:
If you have depression and need someone to talk to, I am available! 

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